4th Birthday Party Photography - Birthday Boy, Seven Hills, Sydney Australia

December 13, 2018

Happy to capture this young charming man on his birthday at D&D Dhaba and Cafe Seven Hills Sydney Australia.  Here is a snapshot from the shoot.

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4th Birthday Party Photography Seven Hills Sydney

4th Birthday Party Photography Seven Hills Sydney

4th Birthday Party Photography Seven Hills Sydney

4th Birthday Party Photography Seven Hills Sydney

4th Birthday Party Photography Seven Hills Sydney

4th Birthday Party Photography Seven Hills Sydney

4th Birthday Party Photography Seven Hills Sydney

4th Birthday Party Photography Seven Hills Sydney

4th Birthday Party Photography Seven Hills Sydney

4th Birthday Party Photography Seven Hills Sydney

4th Birthday Party Photography Seven Hills Sydney

4th Birthday Party Photography Seven Hills Sydney

4th Birthday Party Photography Seven Hills Sydney

4th Birthday Party Photography Seven Hills Sydney

4th Birthday Party Photography Seven Hills Sydney

Want us to capture your special moments? Please pm me on my Faceboook Page or mail me at gayuvenkata@gmail.com

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Gayu Klicks by Gayu Venkat is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
